9.) Find the following fractals: Sierpinksi's Triangle, Mandelbrot set, and a Julia set.

These are two examples of the fractal known as Sierpinski's Triangle, named after Waclaw Sierpinski, the Polish mathematician who introduced it in 1916.

These are two examples of the Mandelbrot fractal, named after Benoit Mandelbrot, a Polish-born mathematician as well, who first published it in 1975.

These are two examples of a Julia set, named after Gaston Maurice Julia, an Algerian-born mathematician, who introduced it around the 1920s.

Pictures of Sierpinski's Triangle found at http://virtual.yosemite.cc.ca.us/meyerh/SIERPINSKI.GIF

and http://www.arid.us/cs/images/3dsg-small.jpg

Information on Sierpinski's Triangle found at http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/complexity/sierpinski.html

Pictures of Mandelbrot set found at http://seamonkey.ed.asu.edu/~alex/computer/sas/fractal1.jpg

and http://www.prairy.org/squiresb/fractal%20mandelbrot.gif

Information on Mandelbrot set found at


Pictures of Julia set found at


and http://www.jimloy.com/fractals/julia.gif

Information on Julia set found at
