scavenger hunt has helped me understand many aspects of geometry and
also about the software that was used to produce this web site. I was
able to create this web site using Macromedia Dreamweaver, a software
program that I was incapable of using before this scavenger hunt. I
also was educated about many of the mathematicians who developed the
modern math that we use today. It was interesting to learn about the
history of mathematics and how each mathematician contributed to the
development of math. I also learned many terms that I was unaware of
before now. Terms such as incenter, circumcenter, orthocenter, centroid,
geodesic dome, and the undefined terms of geometry were among the many
that I discovered throughout the course of this hunt.
State what you liked about the activity.
enjoyed creating this web site and developing it to educate its viewers
in the many ways that I was educated. I also enjoyed being able to explain
the aspects that I had learned to my peers, my parents, and even my
brother!! Learning these things in such a way causes me to remember
the aspects in months, semesters, and years to come.
State what topics you would like to learn more about.
would like to learn more about the mathematicians who contributed to
the development of mathematics. I was intrigued by the ways and compilations
in which these men were able to develop the postulates, theorems, and
rules of mathematics that we now use today.
State what difficulties you encountered.
encountered a few difficulties along my journey of creating this site.
I did not have much trouble finding the information, excluding one question.
I had trouble locating the types of angles that a goniometer, magnetic
compass, and a theodolite measured. However, I believe that the most
prominent difficulties that I encountered were the selection and creation
of my background and the development of my buttons onto a transparent
background so they would look as they ended up looking.